Thursday, April 12, 2007

Illustration Friday - Green

Ok, So not only is this my first submition to "illustration friday", but this is my first time using PhotoShop. I didn't want to submit anything until I could use PhotoShop but Now that I see that I'm horrible at PhotoShop. From now on I'm just going to stick to drawing and coloring by hand.

If you think this picture stinks, good, so do I. Live and Learn.

OH! If you're wonder what this has to do with "green", my idea started with a guy vomiting. (Green face, green vomit) Then I thought that if he's going to have a green face, why not just make him a zombie.


BePpLeZ said...

hey, this is not bad at all....on the contrary, i think it looks really good.

and i must say, that i LOVE the way your mind path went from vommiting to zombies....that is GREAT haha

demosthenes said...

like everything else photoshop takes practice. don't be so hard on yourself. it's pretty good! welcome to IF!

Ammon said...

Hey Micah! I really like the depth of this picture. I have noticed that PeaSoup is gaining more depth too. I also fancy the distortion of the car. Sweet work.